Biden Presidency Predictions
These are just a few thoughts on the coming regime. I am not a fortune teller, or a reader of crystals, but I think these may be fairly solid.
-I think the price of gas will double within the next year. It will be glazed over by the media because it will “Help the environment” but most of us feel the impact of rising fuel prices. The common good is worth it, according to them.
-Taxes will rise for most Americans. We all know that corporations are made of people, and people pay taxes, companies don’t. The extra cost is simply passed along, or the company goes out of business to leave a hole filled by Chinese manufacturers.
-Race relations, however that term is defined, will get worse. Conservatives will be further pushed out of the Overton window, and cancelled.
-There will be a surge by the left to pull the country over to a socialist society. Dissenting voices will be attacked by the politicians and the media.
-Those of us left that are not being paid by, or benefitting from the leftward haul will consolidate and gather around a core set of principles.
Many of the policies that have been put into place will be thrown out fairly, but there are are a few that will be more difficult. The USMCA is an example.