The Empty Suits in the White House
Do you ever get the feeling that President Joes Biden is really just a simple machine. He is able to record a few seconds of sound and repeat it back fairly well. But when he runs out of recorded material he falls off the rails and word soup spews all over everyone.
He is also almost able to read from a teleprompter. He still makes mistakes and mumbles. Or he reads the lines that are supposed to be direction, not part of the speech. Then when he is alarmed or surprised he reacts quickly with the “C’mon man” defense.
This is why the former president Obama has surrounded Joe with people that will be able to protect the empty vessel from being filled with the wrong ideas. He is ushered from performance to performance . When the show is over the “Thank you, thank you” lady is always there to drown out questions.
Kamala Harris has always been a political weathervane. She feels the tiniest bit of pressure and immediately agrees with whoever is applying it. Tucker Carlson does an excellent job of summing her up. She is easily coaxed into making absurd statements by interviewers.
Despite initially positioning herself as a more “moderate” candidate during the primary, Harris holds a common vision with the far-left, proposing a ban on plastic straws and altering the food pyramid as part of a greater effort to address climate change.
Plastic straws and red meat may seem like important issues to the climate crowd, but as national policy, they are just dumb.
The executive orders signed by the President the first week in office are just further proof that they are not in charge. The issues of equity, climate change, and killing jobs, are being put forward by hard core leftists. These are not the ideas being advanced by people who actually have to take responsibility. They are being pushed forward from the shadows. The empty suits are only there to do what they are told.