What Would a Minority Party Do to Maintain Power?
These are probably just the rantings of a lunatic (that person being me). But… imagine if a minor party was able to gain power over a country. What would they do to maintain that power? A few ideas are presented below.
Present Themselves as a Legitimate Government
They would need to be seen as accepted by a non-partisan body of authority. This body would of course need to be directed. At the same time they need to delegitimize any alternatives. Other power structures would need to be splintered and kept in disarray.
Place Party Members in Key Positions
Key members would need to be in places where they can halt or derail any real investigation. These members should also make shows of creating false investigations. Selected members should also identify with the majority. This gives them the patina of helping the opposition while providing hope. Hope is one of the minority party’s greatest tools. It should be fostered because it delays action.
Regulate Ideas and Speech
There would need a way to filter ideas. Ideas are dangerous, and if unchecked could grow into a movement. If the movement isn’t regulated by the party, it could spread to the governed majority. From there it would not be easy to put down. Speech itself is a way to spread those ideas. There would need to be a way to remove unfriendly speech from the marketplace. Places where speech is encouraged and ideas shared must be strictly controlled. Places where recognized leaders gather with followers, such as churches and synagogues, should not be allowed.
Manufacture a Crisis to Justify Strict Control
Declaring a crisis and implementing beneficial controls would help in a couple of ways. The fear, if fomented and maintained, can be used to keep groups from gathering together in any threatening numbers. Short term escalations could be used to control local events. These escalations could also be used to justify temporarily increasing security. Claims of threatening intel could be used to prolong the “temporary” need.
Separating the people would also push communications onto channels that can be monitored and shut down if necessary.
Generate the Appearance of Overwhelming Support
Using existing communication channels, develop what looks like a broad support base. The number needed to do this would actually be fairly small. Different voices could be manufactured to look like an overwhelming groundswell support. These same “supporters” could be used to monitor communications and help disrupt any cohesion that might form.
Attack and Marginalize Opposition Leaders
Real opposition leaders could not be allowed to accumulate any type of power. They would need to be derided as extreme and dangerous. Removal and silencing would be the only acceptable course of action in these cases. All discussion about these leaders would be sanctioned. False opposition leaders could be introduced and controlled.