I Hope Facebook Takes It In the Shorts
I wrote a few days ago how the Big Techies are starting to get into trouble. And they deserve all of the trouble coming their way. When private companies get into bed with political parties, they should reap what they sow.
It reminds me of the Dixie Chicks during the Bush administration. They were going along fine until they decided to spout off about president Bush overseas. They immediately lost about half of their audience, a ton of endorsements and buckets of money. That is why I fail to understand why any brand that is a household name would jump into politics. They will immediately alienate approximately half of the population, which means revenue.
Facebook did manage to make people, and governments, think it was indispensable though. When I was in the military, the base would announce updates on closures because of weather on their Facebook page. I always thought that was a bit hokey though. What if people didn’t have an account? Or they just didn’t like the stupid thing?
I had a Facebook account for a little while, but I was never good at it. I didn’t care what Aunt Josey had for lunch, or whose just had their first coloscopy. I always figured that if somebody needed me to know something they would tell me.
But now, they have seriously gone too far. They have gone beyond being an entertainment tool to policing thought. By doing so they have actively interfered with not just the electoral process of the US, but in the way society interacts. There is so much vitriol spewed through those pages that it is starting to spill out into the streets. I don’t think a lot of the so called “issues” that we have today would even be mentionable without the ability of people to take shots at each other from behind a keyboard.
The same argument goes for twitter and google as well. I think Australia is doing the world a service by standing up to their bullying. We would all be a lot better off if these companies realize that we don’t need them as much as they need us.