Facebook has suspended the account of Nicolas Maduro, the Socialist President of Venezuela. They said he was spreading disinformation about the the corona virus. As you can imagine, the dictatorial leader didn’t appreciate being snubbed.
Venezuela’s government on Sunday accused Facebook Inc of “digital totalitarianism” after it froze President Nicolas Maduro’s page for 30 days for violating policies against spreading misinformation about COVID-19.
Facebook told Reuters this weekend it had also taken down a video in which Maduro promoted Carvativir, a Venezuelan-made remedy he claims, without evidence, can cure the disease. Facebook said it followed guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO) that there is currently no medication that can cure the virus.
The Venezuelan Information Ministry, who apparently has no sense of irony issued a statement in response:
“We are witnessing a digital totalitarianism exercised by supranational companies who want to impose their law on the countries of the world,” the ministry said.
I guess even totalitarians think that rule by decree and force is not acceptable, at least when they aren’t the ones doing it.
I guess Glen Greenwald and Matt Tabbi are next!