China has implemented a new law to combat food waste. It went into effect today, and its aim is to fight the issue of “food insecurity.” It apparently sprang from the lips of Xi in August. He espoused a need to form a “sense of crisis” around the food supply. He is anticipating more tension with the US over imports of soy and corn.
The Chinese leadership says that the restaurant industry wastes enough food to feed millions per year.
Restaurants in China’s cities waste 17 million to 18 million tons of food a year, enough to feed 30 million to 50 million people, according to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and other institutions. One estimate suggests China could face a food shortage of about 130 million tons by 2025 as its farming population shrinks.
The fines could be up to $15,500 a year on “broadcasters and streaming services involved in content that promotes binge eating.” Also, eateries are going to be “permitted to collect a garbage disposal fee from customers” that don’t clean off their plates. I wonder if being “permitted to” actually means they better. If so, are they going to hire thousands of grandmas to monitor the lima bean remnants on people’s plates?
This has several hooks that an authoritarian leftist will love. They will get complete oversight of your portion sizes, and how much of it you consume. And then they get to tax you if you don’t clean off your plate! Just think of the metrics they could gather to shame you and your family. It would be exhilarating!