Authentic Black people are increasingly making multimillion dollar decisions for the rest of us. Some of it I couldn’t care less about, like the Golden Globes. I wouldn’t tune in diverse or not. Beyond that though, they have managed to convince major companies and education institutions that diversity is not just a good thing, it is critical. But not real diversity, the kind that is approved.
The approved diversity is strictly related to skin color though. Diversity of thought is not allowed. In fact if you have the right skin color but differ in ideology, you aren’t really black. For examples look at Clarence Thomas, or Sen. Tim Scott. On the other hand, if you share the same ideas, but you are white, you are just a sponge for police projectiles at protests. You may be thanked for showing up, because every supremacy movement needs fodder to be supreme over.
And there are a lot of white people who are fervent believers in this. Most liberals happily abase themselves before their masters as if they have it coming. Somehow they were convinced that they can atone for something they didn’t do. In fact, if the evils of slavery weren’t taught, nobody would have a clue what any of this was about. Then they have the nerve to yell at the rest of us for not succumbing to the same stupidity that put them in the front lines of riots.
That is why Critical Race Theory exists. White children need to be taught to be subservient. They need to be indoctrinated to know their place as they grow up. Making sure the idea of Black Supremacy is instilled at a very young age will make it hard to deprogram them when it is all they have ever known.
If you think you are safe because you are a minority, you may need to do some more reading. This is more than an agenda just against whites. Look at the attacks on Asians that are happening. The President and VP were happy to showcase it when a white person did the attacking, but by and large, these crimes are perpetrated by Blacks.
Ever wonder why you don’t hear talk about Asian Lives Matter, or Hispanic Lives matter. Its because they don’t. These ideas are being pushed into our schools and now our government. The left always wants to have conversations on race. we should start having this one.