Normally I don’t worry too much about what Grandpa Joe is thinking, because trying to understand the mind of a dementia patient has got to be tough. But he is letting his team push through truly horrible ideas that struggle against the common sense of most three year olds.
These aren’t even things that you could say “Well that didn’t turn out as expected.” These are things that are working exactly as everyone knew they would. I can’t help but think that Joe’s actual constituency is the 15 or 20 people he interacts with. I say that because the policies he pushes for aren’t helping, and won’t help most everyone.
First off, how about pumping trillions of dollars of deficit spending into an economy that is already recovering. How about having some of that money pay people to stay at home too? That seems like a great way to make sure the recovery sputters and inflation jumps in. Just printing the money was bad enough, that guaranteed it would to dilute everyone’s savings, but paying people to stay home is a double kick in the crotch. Anyone actually working to earn money just got a pay cut.
Cancelling domestic pipelines is another great way to make everyone ask “What the hell?” Even the greenies with half an ounce of gray matter know that pipelines are better for the environment than trains or trucks. They are cheaper and safer in the long run as well.
Another brilliant plan that worked as expected was renewing the funding for the UNRWA. The agency that provides for Palestinian Refugees as they wage jihad against Israel. Thank goodness we can free up their time from having to earn a living so they can launch rockets. Strange that the violence started back up after Trump was out isn’t it?
And where did they get those rockets? From Iran of course. That is the country that is behind most of the terrorism in the middle east. Joe can’t wait to ship piles of money their way. He is already talking of removing sanctions. What has Iran done to reap this windfall? They simply told Joe to pound sand. He just needs that kind of friendship I guess.
Lets not forget the legislation that should be called the “Take Elections Away from the States So We Can Fix Them Act” that is in front of the senate. Everyone knows its purpose is to make sure Democrats can cheat in elections. They just call it the “For the People Act” as a kind of a joke. Yeah, it is for some people alright.
You also can’t forget the open southern border right now as well. It generally screws most everyone. Most everyone that pays taxes, or works, or generally doesn’t like supporting people that aren’t your family anyway. The open borders crowd likes to say that the illegals aren’t hurting anyone. Well, you would have to start by forgetting about all of the preventable crime committed by illegals. It wouldn’t happen if they weren’t here. And forget about the property taxes paid to schools based on number of bodies in chairs, not legal students. And also don’t think about the money sent back to families in other countries. That is money that a citizen could have made and spent here. Yeah besides all of that, which doesn’t cover a lot of other net negatives.
There are a ton of other things happening that basically don’t help America at all. Climate Accords, removing Chinese sanctions, and on and on. It is like the Biden team sat down with their supporters and said “Ok, write down what you want, and we will figure out how to sell it, hide it, or just push it through.” It definitely doesn’t help the rest of us.