Lots of cities in the US and beyond are convulsing with violence between supporters of either Israel or Palestine. Some headlines actually say that the disagreements are between Palestinians and Jews. Here is a headline from The US Sun: “BREAKING POINT Israeli & Palestinian protesters clash in NYC as demonstrations erupt in US & cops struggle to separate enraged groups.” Hopefully you caught that. They aren’t Americans in that headline.
Did we import a bunch of people from the middle east to create their own neighborhood of Palestine here in the US? Is there a similar neighborhood of Jews hell bent on destroying the Palestinian neighborhood? I’m betting a lot of the people here came from those regions to escape that endless conflict. So in reality, they are mostly Americans fighting Americans over something that is not really a part of their lives unless they make it that way.
Consider Representative Rashida Tlaib from Michigan. She has made headlines in the past for her potty mouth, and more recently for hemming up President Biden about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I wonder why she has such an interest in the situation. Was she threatened or beaten by Jews growing up in the United States? Has Israel managed to oppress her from half a world away? I doubt it.
She had to be taught growing up who to hate. She thinks she feels the wrongs that that her ancestors felt, while living in a land that affords more opportunities than any other. Just look at what she has accomplished despite Israel existing. She thinks she has to bring a grievance that isn’t hers, to a land that provided what she has, against a people she doesn’t know.
This is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. They create victims and pigeon hole them into a class of people, and then claim they have been wronged by another class.
Absent instruction, most people wouldn’t even know who to blame for their circumstances. Especially if the blame truly lies with themselves. It is a lot easier to say that the deck is stacked against me because I am “fill protected class name in here.”
This satisfies a couple of base instincts. It gives a righteous cause to fight for, and absolves guilt for not achieving something. It is all built on emotion and lacks any objective thought. That is why the Democratic party has any power at all, because it is easy and satisfying.