As if the constant headlines from the NBA and LeBron James weren’t enough, I just read this headline over at Breitbart, “San Francisco Giants Become First MLB Team to Wear Pride-Themed Uniforms.” Here is a little bit from the article:
The San Francisco Giants told fans Tuesday that the team will add gay pride colors to its hats and uniforms in recognition of Gay Pride Month.
“The 11 colors of the new Pride logo are emblematic of the Progress Pride Flag and signify inclusion and progression with the six pride colors,” the team said in a statement, “red (life); orange (healing); yellow (sunlight); green (nature); blue (serenity); purple (spirit); and black and brown to recognize LGBTQ+ people of color and light blue, pink and white to recognize people who are transgender.”
Can I get a side of rectal cancer with my political sports please? I have pretty much given up on all of these spoiled highly paid criminals anyway.
And I also don’t really understand the whole gay movement. I don’t have anything against it, but I have never introduced myself with a sexual qualifier, “Hi, my name is Jay and I am heterosexual. How are you?” I assume people don’t want to know what I am up to behind closed doors. I certainly don’t need to know what everyone else is up to. Why does who you want to have sex with, or fall in love with or whatever, need to be made my business?
I guess what I am saying is, “Great, your gay, I don’t care, can we get done with whatever is requiring me to interact with you?” But for some reason I am supposed to celebrate their gayness. No, I honestly really don’t care. I am not anti-gay, I just refuse to be pro-gay.
Unfortunately, pro sports and the left (same thing these days) are trying to guilt me into actively supporting it. I even read a headline a couple of days ago that made me shake my head. It was something about a couple of people didn’t approve of two women kissing at a pool or something. As the disapprovers left, the other pool patrons were yelling “shame” at them repeatedly. I didn’t read the article, but if I saw two people of any sex making out in public, I would feel uncomfortable. Call me a stick in the mud, but just get a room.
So professional sports can be as gay as they want, they can just do it without me.